Bethlehem Church

What we believe
We believe in one God who in love created us in his image and created all that exists. We believe God is inviting us into an authentic relationship that transforms our life here on earth and promises eternal life with God in heaven.
We believe sin creates a brokenness between us and God and that all of us have sinned and turned away from God and that brokenness we cannot mend ourselves.
We believe that God became flesh in Jesus to give of His life on the cross to take away and heal our brokenness with God. We believe that Jesus died so that we may live and three days later rose from the dead conquering sin and death.
We believe that Jesus ascended to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to be present with us leading and teaching us how to love God and love each other.
We believe that we enter this restored relationship with God through “accepting Jesus into our life.” This means we accept what Jesus has done for us and who Jesus calls us to be. We do this by repenting of our sins; acknowledging how we have not loved God and others as God desired, accepting that God has forgiven us of all sin through Jesus’ death and resurrection and in turn we strive to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as our self.
We believe that the Bible is God’s revealed word and the lens through which we find all truth and meaning in life. We believe, as seen in the Bible, that God desires for us to live in spiritual fellowship with each other; this is called the Church. We believe the Church is to be a place of authentic acceptance, transformational spiritual growth, loving support and fellowship, and meaningfully loving our communities as we witness to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.